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Однако, данные об изъятии героина и опия показывают пик в г. В случае употребления наркотиков без клинических признаков зависимости, наркопотребитель проходит профи- лактическое наблюдение. The SMR for men was 2. С одной стороны, сокращение денежных переводов и сложности с получением стабильного дохода в родных странах стимулируют интерес к новым направлениям миграции, побуждают к воссоединению семьей, а женщин, ставших основными кормильцами своих семей, подталкивают к отъезду на заработки за границу. In addition, a national information network on the drug information and monitoring system DAMOS was established in to collect non-confidential information on drugs and drug addiction in the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Penitentiary Service, and the Civil Service of the Kyrgyz Republic drug control. Of the reported drugs containing codeine, 7 items are controlled and 11 drugs have been withdrawn from sale. All state bodies, enterprises, institutions, and organisations, regardless of ownership, and voluntary associations of citizens are obliged to assist the State Commission on Drug Control in solving the tasks assigned to it. Детализированные данные по распространенности ВИЧ-инфекции, гепатита типа «С» и сифилиса доступны в Казахстане и Узбекистане. The non-governmental sector, with the support of international organisations, has taken an active part in the implementation of harm reduction programmes in the Kyrgyz Republic. Posters with a social message were placed on the main streets of the regional centres. Экстази — стимулятор. Upload another file Upload image.

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Казахстан и Кыргызстан в настоящее время рассматривают варианты структурных и институциональных рамок их органов по мониторингу наркоситуации. Количество потребителей запрещенных наркотиков проходящих лечение варьирует между 1,5 и 1,8 чел. Limited data on the underlying causes of deaths are available only in Uzbekistan, where fatal drug overdoses can be extracted from the overall mortality data. Among the persons The main objectives of drug-free inpatient treatment programmes are to achieve stable remission or complete abstinence from drug use. In the face of the expected withdrawal of the International Security Assistance Force from Afghanistan and the resulting uncertainty regarding the consequences for opium and heroin production and trafficking in the region, the importance of a well-informed, evidence-based drug policy using modern interventions in both drug demand and drug supply reduction is of the utmost importance — and probably more so than ever before. This event was attended by 1, students. С по гг. Men represent the majority of clients Most of the patients treated were heroin addicts, 4, or Central Asia includes five independent countries with rather heterogeneous geography, demographics, and economics, which were part of the Soviet Union formerly see Table Introduction 1. Evaluation of drug prevention in the schools of Kazakhstan. Тот, кто любит и уважает себя и окружающих, не станет разрушать себя и не позволит наркотикам рушить свою жизнь. Доля остальных опиатов — опиум, «ханка»,7 «вторяк»,8 и другие — понижается. Как Национальная Программа, так и региональные Программы являются основополагающими документами в области профилактики наркозависимости и потребления наркотиков среди различных слоев населения.

Report content on this page. В поиске фейки! Gulyamova Republican Clinical Centre of Addiction, where, by the end of , patients had received opioid substitution therapy. For those with a drug problem, the services also include consultation, assistance, and support 3.

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    Counterfeit Captagon containing various synthetic stimulants has been illegally available mainly in Middle East. В виду того, что вышеназванные исследования проводилось десять и шесть лет назад, на данный момент в стране нет каких-либо эпидемиологических исследований, отражающих актуальную ситуацию, связанную с потребле- нием наркотиков среди всего населения страны. The study involved schools from five countries, including 25 schools from the Kyrgyz Republic. Since then, the programme of substitution therapy has been expanded and by 1 January it was being realised at 20 facilities which are located in the Republican Centre of Addiction and in 3 centres of primary health care in Bishkek, in the cities of Tokmok, Kant, and Kara-Balt, the Alamedinsk, Sokuluk, and Moscow regions of the Chui area, at 2 facilities in Osh, Kara-Suysk, Uzgensk regions of the Osh area, Dzhalal Abad, Kyzyl Kia Batken areas. The proportion of injecting opium users in all IDUs was 7. At the same time, the number of people who apply for drug treatment for the first time has had a tendency to increase in the last three years. Ofem Lekam. Тест на наркотики высокое качество тест на наркотики MDMA экстази. Those who asked for HIV tests received anonymous pre- and post-test consultation. In the number of trust points was ; currently, there are trust points their number and location depends on the situation in the region.

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    The collection of statistical data on crimes and offences related to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances, precursors and persons who use them during the year Drug-related deaths and mortality of drug users. Since then, the programme of substitution therapy has been expanded and by 1 January it was being realised at 20 facilities which are located in the Republican Centre of Addiction and in 3 centres of primary health care in Bishkek, in the cities of Tokmok, Kant, and Kara-Balt, the Alamedinsk, Sokuluk, and Moscow regions of the Chui area, at 2 facilities in Osh, Kara-Suysk, Uzgensk regions of the Osh area, Dzhalal Abad, Kyzyl Kia Batken areas. The number of high school students who used drugs was 1. In deter- mining the period of compulsory treatment, clinical parameters duration of the disease, severity of clinical manifestations of the syndrome according to the severity of personality disorder and the level of social pathology are taken into account. There are 17 youth health centres in the country, supported by the Republican Centre for Healthy Lifestyles, that provide comprehensive medical and psychosocial services on the basis of a friendly manner towards young people. In general, among the respondents, the number of people who had consumed a narcotic drug cannabis, inhalants 1—2 times in their life was 0. In Kazakhstan, the highest SMR was observed in the 18—34 age group. By the end of , the number of patients was Горячая линия, бесплатно и круглосуточно. The centre provides assistance to minors in the area of the treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of the use of psychoactive substances.

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  • The use of opium and similar raw opiate drugs is only marginal when compared to mostly injected heroin, which is by far the most prevalent primary drug in problem drug users in Central Asia. In , the drug situation in the country was characterised by the intensification of international drug groups using the country as a drug transit corridor to Russia and the countries of the European Union. Активную роль в области профилактики наркомании и других заболеваний принимает Республиканский Центр здорового образа жизни РЦ ЗОЖ , который имеет филиалы во всех регионах РК. The centre provides assistance to minors in the area of the treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of the use of psychoactive substances. The average estimated number of HIV-positive persons in the country ranges between 6, and 10, Wierzbicki, P. Cтрановой обзор — Таджикистан 7. Сортировать по : Лучшее соответствие. In view of the fact that the above study was conducted many years ago, currently, there are no epidemiological studies that reflect the actual situation associated with drug use among the population. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Горячая линия, бесплатно и круглосуточно. My cart Cart is empty.